Please note that these diary entries are just examples and a generalisation of some things covered
in our development circle. They do not contain any personal details as that would breech the
confidentiality of the sitters. However I believe very stongly that spiritual experiences are there to
be shared to help others. I hope you find them interesting.



I simply have to share today's circle with you as it was a very special one.
Continuing with our learning about mandalas as mentioned previously we decided to try our own.
Using printed outlines we attuned with Spirit and were told to choose four colours only. With "and so to dream" by Mike Rowland playing in the background we began to colour our chosen pattern.
Soft chatter was going on ocasionally and after an hour the most intricate mandala was completed.
We were asked to exchange patterns with the person diagionally opposite to us and what was to follow was awesome. Each of us gave a reading from the mandala as there was so much to say as we stared into an amazing, unique compilation by each sitter. It told us so much about the person and their development path.
Thank you to everyone that took part and for the magical mandalas inspired by Spirit! 



Today in our circle we explored and practised Chakra Healing. The purpose of this is identify the problem areas and heal the corresponding chakra using the energy of Spirit, colour absorbtion and related crystals.


We also studied mandalas which are often stunning drawings usually inspired by Spirit.
They are used in meditation to focus the mind and divert it from our everyday thoughts. The colours are very significant and will tell us alot about ourselves.


Last night in circle we cleansed our chakras by imagining we were holding a little chamois leather, polishing each one individually. I feel it is important to do this from time to time.

We then studied the aura of a candle and manged to capture Spirit in the surrounding areas. As the candle was lit we immediately saw a lovely green glow which seemed to have a rainbow rim.
After some focus and concentration we saw a featherly like angel figure,
familiar to one sitter. We sat still, quietly, then two reddish pink petals drifted down and landed on the floor.

All of us felt very relaxed and the energy in room was very healing.
I thought the exercise went very well especially as it was the first time I have tried this with my group.